Monday, July 7, 2008

Feeling lost?

No, not I. But there is one personal article I wish would turn up in the "Lost and Found."

My New York instruction manual!! After maybe the second week of feeling a little overwhelmed in the Big City, I decided to conquer my fears with a trip to my trusty neighborhood Barnes and Noble. Right inside the doors is a section devoted entirely to New York: travel, dining, walking, and touristy attractions. There you'll find a book to unlock them all.

After passing an awkward amount of time comparing the jackets of at least five different books, I finally decided on two. I'm sure the employee standing guard grew weary of keeping his eye on me. But the intense time investment paid off, and now after five weeks, the books have become a little part of my NYC experience, like my own personal tour guide or day planner. But alas, no more, for this lass has lost her favorite of the pair in such a strange circumstance that she feels there must be a little tourism troll out to get her.

When aforementioned friends Ashley and Kevin came to visit, "Let's Go New York City on a Budget" was practically our Bible. It told us all the best shops, restaurants, markets, all divided by neighborhood, price range or by an alphabetical index. We're talking highly organized, highly informative. Quite a few pages were dog-eared and became ripply from my sweaty hands on the stifling subway. But as soon as the two house guests had gone, so did the book.

"Ah hah!" I thought. "Surely it somehow snuck into their luggage and is now just a UPS shipment away from a safe return." Nope. Neither Kevin nor Ashley saw any signs of the book upon their arrival in Louisiana. And to make matters even more mysterious, Kevin misplaced such a book as well! He came to New York with two titles and left with only one. Now, how do you explain that?

So be warned. Somewhere out there, lurking the streets and avenues of Gotham, is a fiendish thief with a fetish for your travel titles. I'll be passing a collection plate to fund its replacement.

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